Third Road Development Plan

The third twenty-year road development plan was prepared by the road wing of the ministry of shipping and transport with the cooperation from a number of organization and experts in the field of Highway Engineering and Transportation. This document was released during 45 Th Annual session and the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Road Congress in February 1985 at Lucknow. Therefore this rod development plan is also called ‘Lucknow Road Plan’. This the plan has been prepared to keep in view the growth pattern envisaged in various fields by the turn of the country. Some of the points were given due consideration while formulating the plan is the improvement of transportation facilities in villages, towns and small cities, and small cities, conservation of energy, preservation of environmental quality and improvement in road safety.

This twenty-year plan aims at increasing the total road length from 15, 02,700 km in the year 1981 to 27, 02,000 km by the year 2001. This will result in an increase in road density from 46 km per 100 sq. km in the year 1981 to 82 km per 100 sq. km by the year 2001.

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