Soil Stabilization: Principle and Importance

Stabilization a broad sense incorporates the various methods employed for modifying the properties of soil improve its engineering performance. Stabilization is being used for a variety of engineering works, the most common application being in the construction of road and airfield pavement.


The principles of soil stabilized road construction are

a) To affect the economy in the initial construction cost of lower layers of the pavement such as subgrade and sub base course.

b) Possibility to upgrade the pavement structure to higher specification at a later stage by resorting to the stage- construction of the Pavement to meet the growing needs of the road traffic.



There are three purposes for soil stabilization. The first one is strength improvement. This increases strength improvement. This increases the strength of the existing soil to enhance its load-bearing capacity. The second purpose is for dust control. This is done to eliminate or alleviate dust, generated by the operation of equipment and aircraft during dry weather or in arid climates. The third purpose is soil waterproofing, which is done to preserve the natural or constructed strength of soil by preventing the entry of surface water.

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