Brick bond

The method of arranging of building units in a course to avoid the formation of continuous vertical joints is called the bond. Continuous or through joints result in the unbounded wall which can cause the collapse of the wall.
Proper bonding in brickwork result in making the brick wall to out as a single unit and results in uniform distribution of load as 60-degree angle. If the vertical joints in brickwork are continuous then a small portion of the wall will act as isolated column and not as a whole unit, which will result in the collapse of the wall.

Importance of bond :

I)                    Bonding means when bricks are laid adjacent to each other forming a groove in between the bricks, which is filling by cement mortar. So, bonding helps the bricks to act as one system.
II)                  The strength and stability of the wall increases if proper bonding is done during the brickwork.
III)                By proper bonding, the possibility of vertical cracks can be neglected.

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