Different sources of damp in a building

Sources of dampness:

(i) Rainwater

    The rainwater can directly penetrate from the roof or its various components tic windows. The dampness cum also enters into the walls from its exposed faces.

(ii) Rise of ground moisture

      Moisture from the wet the ground may rise above ground level due to capillary action of the soil dampness of the floor is caused due to this reason.

(iii) Exposed top of the roof

      The damp proof course should be provided at the top of the boundary walls and parapet walls to check the entry of water through the top of the walls.

(iv)  New construction:

      Newly constructed walls remain in a very damp condition for a considerable period.

(v) Bad workmanship:

     Defective construction of the joint in the roof caused dampness by allowing entry of the water in the building.

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