Building Component and types of structure

Building components are of two types -

i)Substructure -
It is the lower portion of the building. It has two parts.

Foundation -
A foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the ground to which the loads are transmitted.

Plinth -
The plinth is defined as the portion of the structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface of the floor, immediately above the ground.

ii)Superstructure -
The superstructure i.e., the portion above the plinth level, of the building comprises of walls, sill, lintel, doors, and windows, floor, roof, parapet, beams, columns, etc.

There are three types of structure -

a)Load bearing structure -
Here outer walls bear the loads and the inner walls act like partition walls only.

b)Framed structure -
Here, the beams and columns, i.e., the frame components, take the loads and transfer it to the foundation.

c)Composite structure -
Here, the beams and columns, as well as the outer walls, bear the load.

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