Termite Proofing & Damp proofing

Termite Proofing :

Termites, popularly known as white ants cause considerable damage to woodwork, furnishings, etc. of buildings. In some countries, the loss caused due to termites is estimated to be as high as 10% of the capital outlay of the building. Anti-termite treatment is, therefore, necessary so that damages are either reduced or stopped altogether.

Methods of termite proofing -
I. Pre-construction treatment.
II. Post-construction treatment.

Damp Proofing :

Sources of dampness -
i)Moisture rising up the walls of the ground.
ii)Rain travel from wall tops.
iii)Rain beating against external walls.

Effects of dampness -
i)Dampness gives rise to the breeding of mosquitoes and creates unhealthy living conditions.
ii)Travel of moisture through walls and ceiling may cause unsightly patches.
iii)Moisture travel may cause softening and crumbling of plaster, especially lime plaster, etc.
Methods of damp proofing -
i)Use of D.P.C membrane damp proofing.
ii)Integral damp proofing.
iii)Surface treatment.
IV)Cavity wall construction.
VI)Pressure grouting etc.

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