Light Weight Concrete and Pre-cast Concrete.

Light Weight Concrete :

The lightweight concrete is a concrete whose density varies from 300 to 1850 kg/

i)Reduction of dead load.
ii)Increases the progress of the building.
iii)Lowers haulage and handling cost.

Pre-cast Concrete :

Pre cast concrete products very from simple structures such as fencing posts,pipes,paving slabs etc.


i)It is not necessary to provide joints.
ii)The labor required in the manufacturing process of the pre-cast unit easily trained.
iii)The pre-cast articles may give the desired shape and finish with accuracy.
iv)The structure can be dismantled when required and they can be suitably used.

Disadvantages :

i)If not properly handled the pre-cast units may be damaged during transport.
ii)It becomes difficult to produce satisfactory connections both the pre-cast members.

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