General  Usage :

Hot Mix Plant is used for continuous production of  DBM (Dense Bituminous Macadam) and A.C. 
(Asphalt Coating Aggregates) at 1550 C.

Different Parts of The Plant :

4 Bin Feeder, collecting Conveyor Inlet Conveyor, Dryer Drum, Hot Elevator, Filler Elevator, Bag 

House, Weigh Scale, Mixer Unit, Hot Bin, etc

Normal Input Material :

Aggregates, Bitumen & Filler Materials.

Quality Control :

Quality is controlled by the constant ratio of Mix through the automatic weighing system and good 

Mixing by the twin shaft.

Manpower requirement :

Normally 10 staff (including 2 Operators, 2 Mechanic and 6 Helpers ) are required for a smooth 

Power requirement :

500 KVA

Normal Production :

120 TPH

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