There are several means of achieving compaction of the material. Some are more 
appropriate for soil compaction than others, while some techniques are only suitable 
for particular soils or soils in particular conditions. Some are more suited to compaction 

of non-soil materials such as asphalt. Generally, those that can apply significant amounts 

of shear as well as compressive stress, are most effective.

Some of the techniques are :


       large stress is slowly applied to the soil and then released.

Impact - 

       the stress is applied by dropping a large mass onto the surface of the soil.

Vibrating -

        a stress is applied repeatedly and rapidly via a mechanically driven plate or hammer.           
       Often combined with rolling compaction (see below).


        a heavy cylinder is rolled over the surface of the soil. Commonly used on sports        
pitches. Roller-Compactors are often fitted with vibratory devices to enhance their              

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