Railway got a great achievement into green fields, well-grown towns, and cities. Railways got a great better improvement than highways. Indian Railway system is the second largest in the world, next to Russia. It helps by transporting living persons from one corner of the country to thousands of kilometers to reach another corner. It also helps the manufacturing process through transportation of raw materials to the factory and transporting the finished products to marketing centers. It also helps in transporting troops and weapons in national defense.


Based on the route, traffic carried, and most permissible speed of traffic, their area unit three Indian Railway lines.

i) Trunk Routes, ii) Main Lines, iii) Branch Lines.

Trunk Routes:
There area unit six routes in B.G and three routes in M.G., they need to be classified as trunk routes.

Main Lines:
Lines aside from the trunk routes carrying ten Gross Million Tonnes once a year or additional for B.G. and 2.5 G.M.T. once a year or additional for M.G. or wherever most permissible speed allowed for B.G. and M.G. is a hundred kmph and seventy-five kmph severally. they're called Main Lines.

Branch Lines:
All the B.G. and M.G. lines carry but ten G.M.T and 2.5 G.M.T. and having the most permissible speed but a hundred kmph and seventy-five kmph severally area unit classified as branch lines.


Advantages and Disadvantages:


The greatest advantage of railway transport is that it's the foremost dependable mode of transport because it the smallest amount plagued by an atmospheric condition like rains, fog, etc. compared to road transport.

ii)Better Organized:
Rail transport is best organized than the other kind of transport. it's fixed routes and schedules. Its service is more sure, uniform and regular as compared to road transport.

iii)High Speed over Long Distances:
Its speed over long distances is over the other mode of transport, except airways. Thus, it's the most effective selection for long-distance traffic.

iv)Suitable for large and heavy Goods:
Railway transport is economical, quicker, and best suited to carrying heavy and hulking products over long distances.



i)Huge Capital Outlay:
The railway needs could be a large investment of capital. the value of construction, maintenance, and overhead expenses are very high as compared to alternative modes of transport. Moreover, the investments are specific and immobile. just in case the traffic isn't sufficient, the investments could mean wastage of resources.

ii)Lack of Flexibility:
Another disadvantage of railway transport is its inflexibility. Its routes and timings can not be adjusted to individual necessities.

iii)Lack of Door to Door Service:
Rail transport cannot offer door-to-door service because it is tied to a selected track. Intermediate loading or unloading involves a bigger price, more wear, and tear and wastage of your time.
The time and price of terminal operations are a great disadvantage of rail transport.

As railways need immense capital outlay, which will make to monopolies and work against public interest at massive. even though controlled and managed by the govt, lack of competition could breed unskillfulness and high prices.

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