General  Usage :

Transit Mixer is used to Transport. RMC from Batching Plant to the pouring  point at any distance as 
the rotating Drum of the Transit Mixer prevents immediately setting of concrete.

Different Parts of the Plant :

Mixing Drum, Rear Engine to rotating the Drum truck chassis etc.

Normal Input Material :

Ready Mix concrete from Batching Plant.

Quality Control :

The rotation of the Drum keeps the concrete as it was supplied from Batching Plant.

Manpower requirement :

One Driver and One Helper is enough  to  operate it.

Power requirement :

Rear Engine rotates the mixing drum and the Engine fixed in the truck chassis gives necessary 

Normal production :

The mixing drum of 6 cum capacity can travel to pouring point with the speed of a Truck chassis. So 
the production depend upon the distance.

Fuel Consumption :

Rear Engine 3.4 ltr/hrs.Transit Mixer Chassis 3-4 km/hr.

Advantage :

Can transport concrete at any place connected by road from the Batching Plant without  changing 
the quality.

Disadvantage :

Transit Mixer cannot be used in places not connected by proper road.

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