Tower Crane

General Usage :

Tower Crane generally used for material  shifting to the different location of a high rise, Structure/ Building with a radius

Different Parts of the Plant :

Rail for traveling/stationery attachment, Tower Crane structure, Jib, Slewing Tower, Cabin, 

Climbing Frame, Hoisting
Mechanism,Trolley,Travel,Machine,Slewing.The mechanism, Traveling, Mechanism, and 

hydraulic Climbing System etc

Capacity :

2.5 Ton Lifting capacity at the far end of 65 m Jib

Safety Device:

Hoisting Load Limiter is installed between slewing tower and tower head winch ensure cut 

off in hoisting beyond designed load.

Manpower requirement :

2 Operator, Sarong and 2 labor.

Power requirement :

91.5 KW

Normal Production :

As this equipment is used for Misc. materials handling its normal Production cannot be well defined.

Fuel Consumption :

One 125 KVA DG Set is sufficient to operate this Crane. Fuel consumption – 12 liter/hr.

Advantage :

It is useful in high rise construction.
In a congested area.

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