Softening point test

The softening point test is conducted by the Ring and Ball method in the laboratory.

The test sample of the given bituminous material is put in the brass ring which is then suspended in liquid like water or Glycerin at a given temperature. After this, a steel ball is placed upon the bitumen and the liquid is heated at a rate of 5°C per minute. The temperature at which the softened bitumen touches the metal base placed at a specified distance below the ring is recorded as the softening point of the bitumen. The softening distance below the ring is recorded as the softening point of the bitumen. The softening points so recorded are compared with the specified values and thus the suitability of the bitumen under test is decided for bituminous pavement construction.

The softening point of various bitumen grades used in bituminous pavement construction jobs vary between 35°C to 70°C.

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