Scaffolding & Shoring

Scaffolding :

When the height of the wall or column or other structural members of a building exceeds about 1.5 m, temporary structures are needed to support the platform over which the workmen can sit and catty on the constructions. These temporary structures, constructed very close to the wall, is in the form of timber or steel framework, commonly called scaffolding.

Types of scaffolding -
a)Single scaffolding.
b)Double scaffolding.
c)Cantilever scaffolding.
d)Suspended scaffolding.
e)Trestle scaffolding.
f)Steel scaffolding.
g)Patented scaffolding.

The process of placing a new foundation under an existing one or strengthening an existing foundation is called underpinning of foundations.

Shoring :

Shoring is the construction of a temporary structure to support temporarily an unsafe structure. These render lateral support to walls and used under the following circumstances -

i)When a wall shows signs of bulging out due to bad workmanship.

ii)When a wall cracks due to the unequal settlement of foundation and the cracked wall needs repairs etc.

Types of shoring -
a)Raking shores.
b)Flying shores.
c)Dead shores.

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