Bearing Capacity Of Soil

Bearing capacity is the ability of the sub-soil to support the loads(dead loads and live loads etc) of the structure coming over it without any yielding. It depends upon the characteristics of the soil particles. Lesser the voids in the sub-soil, greater is its strength to carry loads. The minimum load which may cause the failure of the foundation is called ultimate bearing power of the soil.

The ultimate bearing capacity of the soil is given by

   =  W/area of the plate(where W is total load and at the base plate used for the test is 30cm x 30cm area)

and safe bearing of soil = Ultimate bearing capacity/factor of safety.

Safe bearing capacities of different soils are given below

S.No Type of Soil Safe Bearing Capacity in tonnes/m2
1 Soft clay, marshy clay, etc. 2 to 3.75
2 Black cotton soil 5 to 5.75
3 Made up ground 5
4 Alluvial soil 7.5 to 16
5 Moist clay 10 to 18
6 Ordinary clay 22
7 Sand mixed clay 22
8 Compact sand 44
9 Compact gravel 43 to 55
10 Moorum 65
11 Soft Rock, Ordinary Rock 110
12 Hard Rock Above 200

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