Causes of accidents

There are basic elements in a traffic accident, namely:

1.Road Users- 

Excessive speed and rash driving, violation of traffic rules, failure to perceive traffic situation or sign or signal inadequate time, carelessness, fatigue, alcohol, sleep, etc.

2. Vehicle- 

Defects such as failure of brakes, steering system, and tire burst, lighting system.

3. Road Condition- 

Skidding road surface, potholes, ruts.

4. Road design- 

A defective geometric design like inadequate sight distance, inadequate width of shoulders, improper curve design, and improper traffic control devices and improper lighting.

5. Environmental factors- 

Unfavorable weather conditions like mist, some, smoke and heavy rainfall which restricts normal visibility and makes driving unsafe.

6. Other causes- 

Improper location of advertisement boards, the gate of level crossing not closed when required etc.

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