These roads have the foundation and wearing surface of one or two layers of an ordinary or stabilized the soil. These are low-cost roads. These require very steep camber ranging between 1 in 20 to 1 in 24 to drain off the rainwater quickly. For proper drainage of water, a minimum gradient of 1 in 120 is usually recommended. These roads are constructed as village roads. The earth may be ordinary earth roads or stabilized earth roads.
Ordinary earth roads consist of one or two layers of ordinary earth available at the site. Foundation and wearing surface is of the same natural soil. These roads become unserviceable very soon and require frequent repair.
In stabilized earth roads, the foundation and wearing surface consists of stabilized soil. These roads can carry greater traffic lords then ordinary earth roads.

1) First of all the sub-grade is prepared and the road surface is brought to the required camber and gradient.
2) Then the surface is rolled properly and well witted with water
3) Then a layer of about 10 cm thickness of graded soil is spread evenly.
4) This layer of soil is rolled at optimum moisture content first with a suitable roller and then finished with a light roller.
5)If a second layer is required to be laid, it should be laid in the same way as the first layer and rolled property as above.
6)The finished surface is then checked and camber is corrected if desired.
7)The finally finished surface is watered for about 5 days for curing and no traffic is allowed in these days. After that, the road is opened to traffic.

In case of stabilized earth roads, the method of construction is the same as for ordinary earth roads but in this case stabilized earth for the second layer is instead of ordinary earth.

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