The District Roads traverse each district serving areas of production and markets, industries, residential areas, railway stations, and airports, etc. and connection these place with each other. These roads take road traffic into the heart of rural areas without any interruption. The responsibility of construction and maintenance of these roads lies with the District Authorities. However, the State Government gives a grant for the development of these roads. In the Nagpur plan, it was decided that every village in the highly populated area should be within about 3 km of such areas and about 8.0 km or so in the other areas.

  • These are impotent roads within a district, serving areas of production and markets and connecting these with each other or with the main Highways.
  • Major district roads constitute the secondary and interconnecting roads in India.
  • These are serving rural areas of production and providing them with an outlet to market centers,  headquarters, block development headquarters or other main roads.

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