High-performance concrete and Polymer concrete.

High-performance concrete :

High-performance concrete is a mixture, which possesses high durability and high strength when compared to conventional concrete. This concrete contains one or more of cementitious material such as fly ash, Silica fume or ground granulated blast furnace slag and usually a superplasticizer. The term; high performance; is somewhat pretentious because the essential feature of this concrete is that its ingredients and proportions are specifically chosen so as to have particularly appropriate properties for me expected the use of the structure such as high strength and low permeability. Hence High-performance concrete is not a special type of concrete. It comprises the same materials as that of the conventional cement concrete. The use of some mineral and chemical admixtures like Silica fume and Superplasticizer enhance the strength, durability and workability qualities to a very high extent.

Polymer concrete :

Polymer concrete is part of the group of concretes that use polymers to supplement or replace cement as a binder. The types include polymer-impregnated concrete, polymer concrete, and polymer-Portland-cement concrete. In polymer concrete, thermosetting resins are used as the principal polymer component due to their high thermal stability and resistance to a wide variety of chemicals. Polymer concrete is also composed of aggregates that include silica, quartz, granite, limestone, and other high-quality material. The aggregate must be of good quality, free of dust and other debris, and dry. Failure to fulfill these criteria can reduce the bond strength between the polymer binder and the aggregate. 

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